Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Silat In Illinois United States

Silat in Illinois

Gayong classes in Illinois are currently conducted by Cikgu (teacher) Sheikh Shamsuddin, also known as Sam. He is ranked Harimau Pelangi Cula Sakti (black belt) in the Gayong Malaysia hierarchy and carries the title Ketua Kalifah (Chief of Caliph). He has also studied other martial arts such as Hapkido and Aikido. He has given several seminars with other known self-defense practitioners such as Cikgu Majid Mat Isa and Cikgu Kahar from Malaysia, Cikgu Ariffin Mahidin (Gayong from London, England), Guru William De Thouars (Kuntao Silat) and Victor De Thouars (Serak Silat), Guru Jim Ingram (Mustika Kuwitang Silat), Guru Dr. Andre KnutGraichen, Guru Wayne Welsh, Hapkido instructor Randy Stigall and Hanshi Bruce Juchnik (Kempo).

Four senior students of Sam are also helping him spreading Gayong within United States; Joel Champ, Jennifer Para, Danial Snyder and Neel Tummala. Cikgu Joel Champ is ranked Harimau Pelangi Cula Sakti in the Gayong Malaysia hierarchy and currently carries the title Khalifah Muda (Young Califh) given by cikgu Siti Kalsom in Taiping, Perak, Malaysia. He has also studied other martial arts such as Hapkido, Kempo, Kuntao Silat, Kick Boxing and the Philippines Arnis stick fighting. He has also trained Gayong under the guidance of cikgu Majid, Kahar Redza, Jazwan and Malik in Kuala Lumpur. Joel has also given several silat seminars together with Sam in various locations within United States. He has written and published several articles on Silat Seni Gayong with the local martial art magazines as well as martial art magazine "Seni Beladiri" in Malaysia. Joel is an adopted son of cikgu Siti Kalsom Meor Rahman.

Jennifer Para, Daniel Snyder and Neel Tummala have also traveled to Malaysia and trained Gayong under the guidance of cikgu Kahar Redza, cikgu Jazwan and cikgu Malik. Jennifer and Daniel are an adopted daughter and son of Siti Kalsom Meor Rahman. Neel Tummala is an adopted brother of Siti Kalsom.

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